What We Offer

General Certificate in Biblical Studies

This course is for every Christian who wants to learn more about the Bible and get a general understanding of what it teaches and how it applies to us in this generation. The course will provide you with a solid foundation in the scriptures and teach you how to defend the faith. It will provide you with a very good understanding of both the Old and the New Testaments, the prophetic writings, and the teaching of Yeshua and the Apostles. Lasts one year.

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Advanced Diploma in Biblical Studies

This course is for Christians who already have a general knowledge of the Bible but who want to go deeper into revelation, prophecies, and higher level doctrine. It is for those who are serious about Bible study for their Christian living or as preparation for ministry. Lasts one year.

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The Rhema Master Class Programme

This one year course is for very advanced Bible students and Ministers who want to go even deeper in the Word of God. Lasts one year.

The Rhema Truths Library

A wide-ranging content of Bible lessons, topics, articles, and videos, which provide additional Christian resources for godly living.

The Children’s Ministry

Sunday School teachings for children aged 6-16, giving them not only Bible knowledge, but godly values and principles that they can live by and become better people.

Gospel Snippets

Gospel Snippets are bite sized messages that last only a few minutes but reveal important Bible truths that every Christian should know. Its purpose is to inspire and motivate believers to get into the Word of God themselves, and study it as part of a lifelong habit that has the power to radically transform their lives.

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Teaching videos

Full length Bible teachings covering the subjects of our courses.


A database of interesting articles primarily on church leadership, growth, and marketing strategies for churches.

Pastors and Church Leaders Training Programme
(Personalised teaching, training and Mentorship)

Designed for Pastors and church leaders who want to receive specific training that will enable them to succeed in their calling. The course is designed to equip them for developing, growing, building, and leading churches successfully. Lasts one year.

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Marketing Your Church

This course is designed to show Pastors and church leaders the best and most cost-effective ways in which to do the marketing and promotion of their ministries. It covers all the on-line, social media, and technological means of communication, evangelistic strategies, and it provides training on how to raise the profile and image of the church so as to raise awareness of the church locally / regionally, and how to attract new members. A one day course.

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Teacher Training Programme

This course is for anyone who wishes to have formal training as a Teacher so that they can run Sunday School classes for children, or adult Bible classes, and training courses. The training consists of teaching methodologies and strategies and it shows participants how to research and develop lesson plans for any subject in the Bible. The course is also suitable for experienced teachers as it will give them formal training in the latest teaching methods and will improve their teaching. A one day course.

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Business Planning Course

Many Pastors and churches have great ideas about setting up business opportunities, community projects, and charitable programmes, but they do not have the professional skills in order to make their vision a reality. This course teaches business planning skills, how to structure and formulate a plan, what goes into it, and how it should be put together. The course will show you how to present the plan on paper to win support for it with potential partners and/or funding organisations. A one day course.

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Bible Teaching and Business Skills Training

This course is designed specifically for Pastors, church leaders, and Christians who want to receive solid Bible teaching, and at the same time get training on business skills, and how to set up and run a business successfully, so that they can generate income and finance for themselves, their families, and their ministries. A 4 day course.

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Ushers and Welcome Team Training

This course is for both new and experienced people who want to understand the role and function of an Usher in the church and what it means to be part of a Welcome Team. The training includes how to work with the Ministers and provide support, how to deal with all types of people effectively, especially rude or difficult ones, and the spiritual dimension of being an Usher in the service of God. A one day course.

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Proven Strategies To Develop And Grow Your church
(A one day conference for Pastors and Leaders)

This one day conference is for Pastors, Bishops, Apostles, Elders, Evangelists, Deacons, and other church leaders, as well as those who aspire to ministry. It is full of practical ideas, instructions, and recommendations that are proven to work in successful ministries around the world. It focuses on best practice in church leadership and management, and this intensive one day training will literally transform the way you see ministry and give you the tools to launch out in God in a new and effective way. A one day intensive course.

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